Sharing the Gospel Hope
Sharing the Gospel Hope
Jesus said: "I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father except through me." [John 14:6] If we learn and follow His teachings we will manifest faith and love that will lead us to a real and eternal relationship with our creator.
There's no better way to do that than to establish our own foundation of spiritual direction than by reading the Bible regularly. We can help you get started with an easy to read Bible and a reading schedule that will help you to stay with it daily.
Jesus taught us the way to life is through the love of God and our neighbours. He taught and lived by the principles of love, patience, mercy and kindness. He gave up His life to validate His teachings and provide a sacrifice for our sins.
Sin is disobedience to God's laws. If we reject God by persisting in sin , then God will reject us and not include us in His eternal Kingdom. We must repent of our sins and aspire to righteousness.
Through baptism into Jesus' saving name, we enter into a life-saving covenant with our Heavenly Father to (spiritually) cleanse us of our sins and receive His mercy as we stand in judgment.
Beyond baptism we must walk faithful to our baptismal covenant. Though we may still stumble in our sins from time to time, we can trust in Jesus' assurances of mercy if we are truly contrite when we fail.
The Gospel is shared and grows by the love of those who share it freely with those around them. The more who hear and respond, the more that can be saved from their sins.
The Bible reveals that in due course this worldly system of things will pass away when Jesus returns to establish His eternal Kingdom. He will restore the paradise lost since the first man rebelled from God and brought forth this cursed condition of pain, suffering and death in the world we see around us. Stay true to your faith, live it everyday, pray and love God and your neighbour as Jesus showed us and you will certainly share in His eternal Kingdom.
This new full featured app is designed to appeal to
new and experienced readers of all ages.
It is available in English for Android and Apple tablets and phones.
Also available in Russian, Spanish, French and Farsi for the Android platforms.
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