Sharing the Gospel Hope
Sharing the Gospel Hope
Presentations are being made to individual churches interested in learning more about what preaching materials and products are available through Carelinks to enhance their outreach programs.
Contact Carelinks Canada if you have a program you would like to operate. There are no bad ideas. Working together we can help you be a local light to those in darkness. We're here to help.
On a nice Summer day, walking about the streets of Kingston downtown area provided opportunities to meet many people whom we may never encounter at a seminar or lecture. Even here in Canada, we see evidence of people's appetite for Spiritual guidance as about 1 out every 10-15 people are happy to receive a Bible and Reading Schedule.
On Victoria Day weekend Anne and Jim Barton hosted a Gospel sing along at the Eastern Ontario Bluegrass Festival for the third consecutive year. There was also a table to give away Bibles, Reading Planners and Bible literature. After each two songs a short devotion was shared with the crowd.
It's so easy a child can do it!
In just an hour or two you will easily distribute dozens of Bibles to interested people you'd probably never meet otherwise.
You never know who'll you'll reach by placing Bibles and literature in your local community "Little Libraries."
We are working hard to provide new, innovative ways and materials to share the Gospel hope. We provide this support to many who cannot fund it themselves but the cost of producing these materials is high. If you can help donate your time or money please contact us and let us know how you can work together.
Carelinks Canada is a Registered Charity
#79788 9482 RR0001 with the Canada Revenue Agency. Donations are eligible for tax receipts.