Sharing the Gospel Hope

Carelinks Canada is a Canadian Registered Charity wholly focused on sharing the Gospel hope through Bible literacy and encour
Sharing the Gospel Hope
Carelinks Canada is a Canadian Registered Charity wholly focused on sharing the Gospel hope through Bible literacy and encour
This is a new full featured Bible app for tablets and phones. It includes full Bible text of the NEV (New European Version) Bible along with commentary, in text and audio and Bible Basics. To learn more click on "Bible App" in the header of this page.
May be viewed online with any computer but is for phones and tablets only:
We provide Bibles, Bible literature and promotional items to help and encourage others to find their best way to share the Gospel message.
To provide support for the Carelinks’ global mission sharing the Gospel through numerous on-line channels and missions to aid refugees and the homeless.
Often we find those who are without basic necessities and hope in this world, readily embrace the Gospel message. To only feed them spiritually would be contradictory to the love of Christ, so we sometimes provide physical support as well. I.e.: Feeding the poor at our soup kitchen at the Bible Centre in Riga, Latvia.
Receive a few updates per month of the current and upcoming missions to see your donations at work. Each one is about a 5 minute read with pictures.