Sharing the Gospel Hope
Sharing the Gospel Hope
We have a host of handout materials and books to help provide a means by which you may share the Gospel hope with those around you.
The NEV Bible is a contemporary
translation of the Bible. It includes
commentary on every page and
the Bible Reading Companion
reading plan on every chapter.
There is a light version of Bible
Basics in the back of the book.
A great companion to the full version NEV Bible. It includes a reading-schedule, map and time-lines plus a "Contact Us" space.
This is a New Testament version of the New European Version (NEV) Bible. It includes commentary on every page and an abbreviated version of Bible Basics in the back. This is an excellent hand-out for preaching purposes. See our special NT insert to include a reading schedule and contact info sheet.
Designed as an insert for the New Testament NEV Bible to help motivate and provide a NT reading schedule plus contact information.
This business card size bi-fold leaflet hand-out that helps those who are unfamiliar with the Gospel hope to learn how Jesus has made life eternal possible for all who want it.
Helping to fund these valuable missions is as easy as going to PayPal (click below). It will allow you to pay with any major credit card or through your existing PayPal account.